Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Sanoviv Staff

Here at Sanoviv - you are the guest, the patient, the beloved.  I feel so highly valued and loved.  Each staff member is not only professional, but genuinely caring.  They know what I like to eat, what makes me feel rested, what kind of pillow I need, what my personality is.  It's like having people all around you that you grew up with as kids.  You just know everything is going to be alright.

Being surrounded by beauty and fresh clean air lifts my spirit - all through the day.  I find myself stopping to look at some of the stunning flowers or noticing the pattern of bark on a palm tree.  Everything is more alive. 

Best of all, all of my doctors work together as a team.  My chief physician, my dentist, my chiropractor - another specialist who is being brought in just for me - all of them communicate regularly their findings on little old me.  This kind of medical and scientific care is beyond what I have seen anywhere.  I know I'm getting the best.

I'm so grateful to all of you who have made it possible for me to be here.  Thank you.  Thank you for loving me and thinking that I'm so special that you would come along side me.  Thank you to all who are praying for me.  Your lovingkindness and compassion bring such comfort to me. 

To Alan - thank you for being the best husband.  To my kids, I love you beyond words.  To my mom and dad - Wow! I got the best when God gave me to you.  To my brothers and sisters - scattered all over the world (nieces and nephews as well!) thank you for being with me through all this.  To my church family - you all rock! Oh to be loved the way you guys love me and pray for me!  To my team - you guys make me so proud my buttons are busting!  To the Mastermind - girls - you ain't seen nothing yet - I'm coming home with bells on!  To Paige and Mike - I am blessed beyond measure.

And just to everyone who happens to think I'm pretty special - you know how much I love you all. 


  1. Sherry, I am pretty sure anyone who knows and loves you will agree that we are all very Blessed by YOU! Thank you so much for taking on the task of letting us know how you are doing at Sanoviv (I'm enjoying EVERY entry of yours) and PRAISE GOD for the good news!! xoxo

  2. Sherry, So wonderful to hear the great news! Your positive attitude and outlook is so amazing!You are such an incredible person! Thanks for keeping me updated on your exciting to hear about your Sanoviv experience...You are such blessing Sherry! God is amazing! Love You! Diane

  3. Hey Sherry!!! Just wanted you to know that I miss you and love you so much.... I can see you walking around taking in the beauty of this place and connecting with our amazing God. You haven't posted in a day or two so hope you are doing ok.. My heart is with you and my prayers are going up all the time. Every time I think of you I am agreeing with you that you are healed and that you are being filled with God's love..... Let us know how you are doing!!
